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GE Minutes 4-01-2011

Snow College Ad Hoc General Education Assessment Committee
April 1, 2011
In attendance: Lisa Anderson, Mel Jacobsen, Melanie Jenkins,
Clinton King, Joseph Papenfuss, Lynn Poulson, Jeff Carney
(chair), Beckie Hermansen (ex officio), Rick White (ex officio)


该委员会由每个学部一名委员、三名委员组成 一般会员,以及几位为委员会带来特殊专业知识的当然会员 discussions:
Lisa Anderson: Business and Technology
Jeff Carney: Humanities
Kim Christison: Fine Arts
Joseph Papenfuss: Natural Science and Mathematics
Lynn Poulson: Social and Behavioral Science
Mel Jacobsen: at large
Melanie Jenkins: at large
Clinton King: at large
Beckie Hermansen: Institutional Research (ex officio)
Rick White: Accreditation (ex officio)


因为这是委员会的第一次会议,所以做了介绍,委员会的 purpose was reviewed. (The official proposal that created this committee is appended to these minutes.)学院目前的GE成果的副本已分发,如 以及新通过的管理通识教育的校董会政策R470的副本 in the Utah System of Higher Education.


• Determination of outcomes;
• Identifying appropriate outcome indicators;
• Identifying/creating instruments to measure those indicators;
•根据评估结果采取措施改进教学. The committee 认识到学院目前的通用电气成果之间存在一些差距 and those mandated by R470. Despite this, it was determined that the first year of GE Assessment should focus on the existing outcomes. If changes should be made to the college's GE Outcomes, they should be made in the future.


委员会同意与他们的部门进行访问,以确定进行何种评估 仪器已经在收集有关通用电气成果的数据. Committee 成员们预计将于下周报告他们的调查结果. Becky Hermansen 表示机构研究办公室已经在收集数据 她非常愿意与委员会合作.


特设通识教育评估委员会副主席史密斯与课程 委员会提议成立一个特设委员会,其任务即将开始 the process of assessing General Education at Snow College.


Accreditation is upon us. 我们得到保证,评估的很大一部分将 focus on our GE program. Unfortunately, we do not have a true GE program. We have 通用电气成果清单和工作表,学生可以从中选择通用电气课程. What 我们缺少的是一份定义通用电气项目核心愿景的文件. We also 缺乏一套评估通用电气项目部分或部分成功的工具 whole. 工作表上的一些课程确实是由个人评估的 departments. What we need is a cohesive effort. The Curriculum Committee is overwhelmed with other tasks. 考虑到这所大学在过去20年里的发展 多年来,包括与里奇菲尔德校区的合并,这并不奇怪. 事实上,我们是犹他州唯一一所没有单独通识教育的大学 committee. 除了认证,给我们的转学生提供一个将军 Education is central to our mission. The creation of some sort of oversight body is long overdue. 为了学校的利益,我们需要知道我们的学生是否在学习 what we think they are learning.


而不是在这个时候设立另一个常务委员会,该提案呼吁 an ad hoc committee to address a limited number of issues. One issue to be addressed is whether the committee turns out to be useful. If it does, the Curriculum Committee 教务委员会不妨将该委员会改为常设委员会. If it does not, the ad hoc committee may be dissolved. It is anticipated that the 委员会将在剩下的时间里做一些初步的规划和数据收集 学期,在五月和夏季做更集中的工作,并完成作业 the end of Fall Semester, 2011.


The first task will be to assess the GE outcomes themselves. Do they define what General Education means to Snow College? Are they reasonable? Can they in fact be assessed? The 更大的任务是确定评估GE结果的各种工具 and to generate plans for implementing them. This process will be carried out in consultation with 所有持有通用电气股份的人,以及里克·怀特的新职位. The Curriculum 委员会和教务委员会已经认识到一个一刀切的解决方案 will not work for Snow College. Individual outcomes will likely require unique instruments. 个别部门或课程也可能需要专门的仪器. It 特设委员会的工作不就是决定哪一种文书是合适的吗 any circumstance. 相反,委员会将协助个别部门,部门, 教师们决定在这个项目的背景下什么最适合他们 a whole. 评估工具的种类实际上是没有限制的 be used. 可能性包括标准化考试、部门考试、作品集、 音频或视频记录、顶点项目、前后测试等等. Where 费用是一个因素,最终决定将与副总统协商 for Academic Affairs. When appropriate instruments have been selected, the committee 是否会提供使用它们的指导,以及使用评估结果的指导 to improve individual courses and the program as a whole. The ad hoc committee will remember at all times that assessment is not an end in itself. Rather, it is a tool 帮助网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行保持和提高(必要时)我们课程的质量.


The ad hoc committee is an advisory body only. Where policies have to be made, the committee 仅限于向课程委员会、教务委员会或 the Vice President for Academic Affairs.


每位教务长被邀请从他的学院中指定一名代表 or her division to be a voting member of the ad hoc committee. Three additional voting members will be selected from the faculty at large. Faculty who wish to participate 请以这种身份尽快与课程委员会联系. 当有足够多的候选人时,将向全体教员提出申请 to vote. 得票最多的三位候选人将加入委员会. At least 课程委员会亦会有一名成员,以促进积极的沟通 between these two bodies. Staff as well as faculty are welcome to participate in the process.


• creativity;
• an interest in General Education and the assessment process;
•愿意抛开部门党派之争,从不同的角度考虑教育问题 a general perspective; familiarity with the content, methods, and habits of mind that characterize at least one discipline outside one's own;
•对学生的敏锐理解,这些学生可能不重视知识分子,甚至没有意识到知识分子 traditions that professional academics take for granted. The ability to invest a few 2011年5月和夏季的白天是非常理想的,但不是严格要求.